MSCP’s removable blanket insulation is a soft insulation composed of 100% select grade Type “E” glass fibers needled together into a MAT form. MSCP’s removable blanket insulation is non-respirable, incombustible, asbestos free, and resinous/inorganic binders free. The insulation is made to conform to Mil-I-16411, USCG Subpart 164.009, ASTM C1086 & ASTM E84. Long textile fibers are used instead of binders to maximize thermal efficiency with high insulation and strong physical properties. MSCP’s blanket type Insulation reduces labor costs during removal for inspections, service and reinsulating while providing a wide range of applications
This information is given in good faith. Use proper personal protective equipment when using the item. Intended for use by skilled persons in the art of fabrication and applying removable/ reusable insulation or like products. MSCP recommends testing before use.